Tag Archives: food

Home Based Remedies – The Final Preview


Here is the last and final preview of the ‘Home Remedies’ e-book.
I have tried my best to make it as comprehensive as possible with the following features:

1. Diseases and their home based remedies.
2. What to eat and what to avoid.
3. A list of wonder foods and their benefits.
4. A number of recipes using the above wonder foods as ingredients.


Please spare a few moments to have a look at the final preview and let me know.

I am in the process of providing the final touches before I upload next week.

This is going to be the first major product launch for me after almost a year of back breaking work.

Click Here to have a look

Vaishali Parekh


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Filed under Personal

Energy Foods For Healthy Mind

Energy foods benefit the brain as well as the body. They provide glucose and micronutrients, such as thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin C and iron, to maximize our mental performance and to help us cope for better under pressure. They enhance the carbohydrate-protein balance in our diet to make us calmer and more alert, and improve the quality of our sleep. They also reduce our reaction to common causes of food intolerance and make us less prone to depression, headaches, and general tiredness. Here are six sample ways to boost your brain power.

Kick-start vitality :
Eat a good breakfast to avoid low blood sugar in the late morning, and to sharp your memory and mental clarity.

Snack often :
Boost your vitality mid-morning and mid-afternoon with a quick-fix snack or drink. These will help to keep you alert right up until the end of the day.

Eat regularly :
Keep regular meal times and do not skip meals. Research shows that eating several small meals per day helps the brain to work more efficiently than having one or two big meals.

Oil the cogs :
Ensure your body gets a rich supply of essential fatty acids by including salads, green leafy vegetables and some safflower and sunflower oil in your diet. Low in saturated animal fats, energy foods are high in plant polyunsaturates, which keep our brain cells in peak condition.

Power sleep :
Take a power nap after your midday meal. Brain efficiency naturally drops after lunch, and the short time it takes to recharge your batteries will more than repay itself in extra mental energy later in the day.

Pump iron :
Eat more wholegrain cereals, pulses and green vegetables to boost your iron intake. Drink a glass of vitamin C-rich fresh fruit juice each day to maximize iron absorption.

Have a great time !!!

Vaishali Parekh


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Filed under Food & Diet, Healthy LifeStyle

Energy Foods For Healthy Body

As societies have become more urbanized and developed, so the number of people suffering from the effects of heart diseases, strokes and cancer has increased. At the root of these changing health patterns is the move away from a diet based on grains, fruits and vegetables to one based processed foods, fat, sugar and animal produce. The scientific evidence is clear : if we want to have healthy bodies, we should change our focus and put fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, pulses and whole grains back in the centre of our plates (supplemented by fresh, organically reared meat and fish according to taste).

Here are some of the most important components of a healthy, energy-full diet.

Calcium : Crucial for building and maintaining healthy bones and teeth, calcium also plays an important role in the function of nerves, muscles, enzymes and hormones. Most plant foods contain calcium – spinach, watercress, parsley, dried figs, nuts, seeds, molasses, seaweed and soya are all rich suppliers. Gram, bean curd (tofu) contains four times more calcium than whole cow’s milk.

Proteins : The building blocks of the body, proteins consist of long, folded chains of amino acids. It is not widely known that plant foods contains protein and that vegetables, grains and pulses are all good sources.

Complex Carbohydrates : Complex carbohydrates are made of sugar molecules linked together into long, branched chains. Found only in foods made from plants, they are a major source of energy in our diet and have beneficial effects on the way we absorb and use other nutrients. Foods containing complex carbohydrates, such as bread and pasta are usually rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

Antioxidants : In the process of metabolism, our body’s cells produce molecules called free radicles, which can attack and harm cell membranes. Antioxidants, such as beta-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E and selenium, neutralize these unstable chemicals, in turn protecting our cells. Fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains are the main sources of antioxidants in our diet.

Essential fatty acids : Two polyunsaturated fatty acids, linolenic acid and alpha-linolenic acid, are known as essential fatty acids because they can be obtained only from the food we eat. They are necessary for normal growth of the fetus during pregnancy, and play a central role in blood-clotting and healing wounds. They also help to maintain the health of the brain and the cells of other parts of our bodies. Important sources include green leaves (such as lettuce and cabbage) and vegetable oils (for example, sunflower, safflower, wheat gram and corn oils).

Have a great life. !!!

Vaishali Parekh



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Filed under Food & Diet, Healthy LifeStyle

Secrets of a Good Night’s Sleep

Is good sleep a distant dream for you? Something you are madly craving for but seem to be so elusive? Do you spend most of the snoozing hours tossing and turning in bed? Read on…


1. Wake up and go to sleep at the same time every day-even on weekends. When your sleep cycle has a regular rhythm, you will feel better.
2. Develop a pre-bedtime routine, like reading or taking a shower before retiring to bed, and follow it religiously every night. A sleeper needs to wind down for the night and establishing a soothing ritual will give your body the clues it needs to get ready to fall asleep. You could even have a light bedtime snack, like a glass of warm milk or a banana, to help you prepare for sleep.
3. Follow a regular daily schedule. Eat meals at the same time, exercise regularly, do your daily chores as usual. The more you can accustom your body to a set routine during the day the more likely your body will be prepared to fall asleep on schedule every night.
4. If you are on any kind of medication, stick to the meal and medication timings. Any irregularity in either of these can lead to sleep disorders since it involves chemicals and hormones. Maintaining a regular diet while on medication is also as important for health.
5. Every day prepare a list of things you are supposed to do the next day. This way you will have planned the day and will not lie awake in bed worrying over the next day’s tasks. Ideally, you should plan at least two hours before your sleep time. This will give you enough buffer time to reschedule things, if required.
6. Is your bedroom sleep friendly and comfortable? If it is too bright, hot, loud or uncomfortable, it will make it hard for you to fall and stay asleep. Make sure your bed and bedroom are quiet and comfortable. A hot room can be uncomfortable. A cooler room along with enough blankets to stay warm is recommended. If noise bothers you, wear earplugs. Even a little bit of light in the room can affect your sleep, since light leads to the secretion pf hormones that regulate your sleep cycle. If you can’t install heavy blinds on your windows or get your bed partner to read in another room at night, wearing a sleep mask might help.
7. Do make sure you have a comfortable mattress and pillows. If you suffer from back problems or stiffness, there are many bed products available to support your body and help make you feel more comfortable. If you sleep on your side, a wedge between your knees can make a world of difference. If you sleep on your back, a wedge under your knees can relieve lower back tension.



1. Don’t go to bed if you are not drowsy. This reduces the time you spend in bed.
2. Don’t stay in bed if you have not fallen asleep within 20 minutes and don’t feel tired. Go to another room and engage in a quiet relaxing activity. Just don’t fall asleep there. Once you have started feeling drowsy return to your bed. If you still don’t fall asleep, repeat the process.
3. Don’t use your bed for anything other than sleeping (of course, there are exceptions to this rule, like sex and recovering from illness). If you read, eat, work and do everything else sitting in your bed, your brain might confuse your sleep time.
4. Don’t nap during the day. If you must nap, do it at the same time every day and don’t let it last for more than an hour and make sure you are up and awake by 3 pm. Otherwise, the nap may affect your ability to fall asleep that night.
5. Don’t have big meals right before bed time. They can affect your digestive system and make you feel sick.
6. Don’t do intensive exercise any later than early afternoon or mild exercise any later than late afternoon. Yes, even though many of us hit the gym only after work, those with sleep disorders need to strictly adhere to this rule. Doing stretches before bed time, however, may aid sleep.
7. Don’t have caffeine, nicotine and alcohol in the evening. That means steer clear of coffee, tea, soft drinks and chocolate. Nicotine is a stimulant, so it pushes your body to stay awake. If you are used to smoking every few hours or more during the day, your body may experience withdrawal symptoms in the middle of the night, which can interfere with good sleep.
8. Don’t consume too much liquid before bed time-chances are that you will be woken up by nature’s call.
9. Don’t use alcohol to help you fall asleep. It can disturb your sleep after just a few hours. Even if it doesn’t prompt you to wake up in the middle of the night, you are more likely to awaken the next morning not feeling refreshed, because alcohol also keeps you from getting quality sleep. Also, avoid alcohol when on medication.
10. Don’t let a pet interfere with your sleep. It can be delightful sleeping with a pet, unless your animal companion is keeping you awake.
11. Don’t let a partner interfere with your sleep. If your bedmate tosses and turns while sleeping or gets up at night, you might consider twin beds, so that you are less likely to feel the disturbance.


Happy sleeping!!!

Vaishali Parekh


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